Lines for a liar

Lines for a liar

Reneging on your promise of work! 

How could one possibly cope with an imbecilic jerk.

I see your smile Brian. 

Be careful with that, as people are dyin’

From Your lyin’.

I see you for what you are,

And gladly, it’s something I can’t par.

This work that you gave me is not fun

But after this we are done. 

I will make a funeral pyre

To memorialize the words of a liar.

Liar Liar Pants on Fire

This is a poem that I based off of Catullus. I thought some of his poems were funny although a little derogatory. As a result, I decided to create a Catullus-like poem but removed the harsh insults that he would use. I wanted this to be a sort of comical type thing. As I don’t really know how to do meter well, I kept to a simple rhyming scheme with the last word of each line. Also, one thing that I feel I should mention is the name Brian. I happened to just pick one, more or less at random, and was not specifically targeting anyone for anything. I just so happened to use this name in my poem.

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