Bend it like Hybrida

Bend it like Hybrida

Gaius Antonius Hybrida was born in Populartown, Italy. His father had high expectations for him, but not for singing. Hybrida came from a long line of extremely famous soccer players. Most of his uncles, cousins, and ancestors played in many great teams including F.C. Barcelona, Liverpool F.C., and Manchester United. His father, Marcus Antonius played for F.C. Barcelona but unfortunately he passed away three years ago. He left all of his possessions to Hybrida. Many wondered why he did that because Hybrida was known as quite the party boy, having been kicked out of boarding school in the States. These fears only became reality when the fund was depleted by Hybrida’s lavish mansion parties. One day Hybrida’s great uncle has a very serious conversation with Hybrida demanding he get his life together and return to play. Hybrida previously had stopped playing, grieving from the death of his dad. He promised his great uncle Sulla who had played in Liverpool F.C. that he would go back to training and try to get on the Manchester United team. Hybrida did keep his promise for a couple of years and got on the Manchester United team. In reality he never really enjoyed the sport, he was more into it for the money and the fame. He was quite good at the sport and was highly sought after, but Hybrida realized that he could get the most money and do the least amount of work with the Manchester United team. While in Manchester United, Hybrida becomes the most infamous party boy the tabloids have ever seen, getting the nickname Bachelor Brida. Hybrida says that he hates that nickname but in reality he likes the fame it brings. A well known name brings Hybrida even more fame and even more money. He played with one of his best friends, Cataline but unfortunately one of the people he hates, Cicero, just got traded to Manchester United and replaced Cataline as first forward. Hybrida wants payback after Cicero stole his famous model girlfriend. Nevertheless, Cicero is smart and is not past playing dirty on and off the field. Hybrida fears that  Cicero might accidentally tackle him in a practice scrimmage. Also, Cicero generously provided Taylor Swift tickets (Hybrida’s favorite artist) for Hybrida and his mom. Cicero also helps Hybrida after practice with defense and they play one v ones. Cataline keeps warning and chastising Hybrida for hanging out with Cicero. Cataline also is under supervision for being a concospirator potential money laundering scheme.

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