Balorix Letter to the Senate

Balorix Letter to the Senate

Balorix to the Senate, Greetings. 

I know that you take a great interest in the current well-being of my people, the Allobroges, so here is the state of things.  

In the years 113-101 BCE, the land of Allobroges was demolished during the early years of the Cimbrian War. Consul Gnaeus Papirius Carbo attempted to ambush the Cimbri during their withdrawal. When the Cimbri learned of his treacherous plan, they attacked, destroying Carbo’s Roman Army and leaving the land of my people open to invasion. The Cimbri did not attack Rome, they just attacked the precious land of my people. We paid for the mistakes of Carbo and then alongside you were absolutely destroyed by the Cimbri at the Battle of Arausio in 105 BCE. Later, Gaius Marius’s unprecedented five-year consulship, strong military tactics, and defeat over the Cimbri warriors led to his successful and powerful rule. Eventually, the Roman Republic consisted of internal rivalries, piracy, and conflict in the East. As a result of corrupt and oppressive conditions, my tribe did attempt a revolt against Roman rule. Our biggest regret and mistake to this date was this action. We wish we could go back in time so that we could have come to the esteemed Senate with our requests. This mistaken revolt resulted in tribune payments being imposed upon my people which have undoubtedly further led to our impoverishment. Time has passed since then and as we have remained fiercely loyal to Rome, we hope to strengthen our trust and relations. 

Although I am writing this letter to urge you to support and recognize my people, the Allobroges, I can’t help but offer a word of advice on your current situation. Upon learning about the unrest and the time of instability that you face, many of your auxiliary tribes are quick to consider revolting. My own people were in that position when the Senate passed the SCU in the year 100 BCE granting Gaius Marius total control to try and restore public order. When an SCU is granted, my people know that we will not be given the attention we deserve and that our rights will be forgotten and pushed aside. My people aren’t the only individuals that feel this way. Other tribes are in similar situations and feel as though the willingness to ignore their presence helps them justify a possible revolt. I assure you that the Allobroges are the most loyal Roman tribe and will support you in battle, and I would definitely not count on other tribes supporting you. For if they are currently unhappy with your rule, they are looking for the perfect moment to rise up against you.

Again, my people, admirers and supporters of the Roman Republic, wish to be recognized and relieved from some of our debt and be treated fairly in the future. In return, we offer the full support of the army of the Allobroges to you Romans.

Take care that you all are well. 

Balorix, Ambassador of the Allobroges

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