Tag: Writing for the Sake of Art

Dexter Gaii

Dexter Gaii

Lesbia and Her Sparrow, by Sir Edward John Poynter

O mi Gaiulle, puto improbam pornam esse tuus dexter.

Ne inhaereas timore irrumare audeat non

Iuppiter. Tenti esse bona ut putes est, sed, bene omnis 

Si attollere non potes, requiras virum

Multum annorum usorumque ut laboret tuus dexter.

At the Gates: A poem inspired by Livy’s thoughts on Hannibal

At the Gates: A poem inspired by Livy’s thoughts on Hannibal


Shall I compare thee to a foolish Greek? 

Whose blade has slaughtered countless Roman throats. 

“Perfidy worse than Punic” oh so bleak. 

A lack of fides hath no antidote. 

A demon spawn from the first Punic War.

A man who swore to never be our friend. 

At Trasimene Roman blood spilled galore. 

Republic’s doom; it did indeed impend. 

“Hannibal ad portas!” Children, take heed!

No heat or cold can shake his iron will. 

A fearless fighter of inhuman speed. 

Even a lady he will try to kill. 

But fear not sons of Romulus, we fight!

For Jupiter anoint our blades tonight! 
