Let’s Cheer, Catiline Has Disappeared!

Let’s Cheer, Catiline Has Disappeared!

Oh, how our fellow Romans cheer

From the recent discovery that Catiline is no longer here

We aren’t yet in the clear

As Catiline and his followers are fighting back and are near

But fellow Romans, trust me, you have nothing to fear

As we have a more powerful army due to you who volunteer

Catiline, unprepared, will be trapped in our sphere

And I, myself, hope to finish him off with the tip of my spear

Prosperity is near and definitely not afar

With Catiline out of the Senate, he is likely at the nearest bar

If you don’t believe me, please tell me if I sound bizarre

We can now once again focus on building Rome’s vast reservoir

We have the finest soldiers and men in all of the land

And our beaches are one of a kind, go and feel the sand

We are in this fight together so give me your hand

Oh fellow Romans, I respect you so tell me your greatest demand

Do you desire a bigger army so that our Republic can withstand

Any enemy or foe that fails to understand

That every aspect of our Republic has been planned

So if they dare to challenge us they will fall under our command

Or maybe you wish to reform our policies on debt

Have trust in your government, you’ll have nothing to regret

We see you as a person and not just a silhouette

So when you bring your demands the Senate will not forget

I am so excited to see this Republic continue to grow

We do this for our ancestors who founded Rome some years ago

Because of our hard work our wealth has begun to overflow

And will this wealth Rome will continue to set the status quo

All of this prosperity and success is because of us

Specifically all of the aspects I just discussed

As new enemies arise I know we will adjust

Because when it comes to our great senate I have all the trust

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