Author: Nick

A Collection of Haikus Based Mainly on the Crisis of Catiline, From the Point of View of Crassus

A Collection of Haikus Based Mainly on the Crisis of Catiline, From the Point of View of Crassus

Silanus, a fool
My money is very cool
I will conquer all

Villain Cicero
Plotting his rise to power
I must destroy him

Julius Caesar
Is a king of the people
Long live Julius

“Nefas!” is shouted
Who else if not Longinus
He is on our side

Brutus should be gone
He betrayed his Roman friend
We will have revenge

Over the Alps with Elephants

Over the mountains they came, to our shock

The army scrambled to our positions

No one thought to guard the alps, just the dock

As we reached the slopes, we saw our mission

Up high they loomed, above our formation

Pride replaces fear as I stand in line

My brothers join me, guarding our nation

Arrows begin to rain down, it is time

As we clash swords, our unpreparedness shows

They break through our line, our end could be soon

A distant rumble, a trumpet, a horn?

Elephants, monsters, our impending doom

The beasts close in, we are crushed, we are done

There is only one thought in my head: RUN
