Author: Chaney




its body against mine 


its arms and legs tied


its hands stuck


its taken off


that never looked away


that one can rely on

Lean in

Feel his sweat

Acknowledge trust

Enter him

Risen (2016)

Risen (2016)

Rome on the Screen

At first I wasn’t quite sure what to think about this movie. It definitely starts off very good, but after the fight scene, the movie started to become somewhat confusing. 

The movie is told through gospels and follows Clavius on his journey to find out what happened to Jesus and his Crucifixion. On this journey Clavius is forced to look within himself. And when he does, Clavius realizes that he cannot continue the Roman life and exemplifies this by taking off his ring. 

Clavius is clearly not a true roman because a true roman would never abandon Rome for anything. Clavius does not put Rome before anything else, but instead puts his personal feelings in the forefront. So I think it is pretty movie like for this happen, but I think the movie could have done better if they had Clavius exemplify all of the traits of a Roman man. From clementia to fortitudo to veritas, without these things a Roman man is nothing. 

My favorite scene was the battle scene between Clavius and his troops and the zealots. The scene accurately depicts the fighting style that Romans used and thus enhances the quality of the movie. You get to see the testudo formation that Rome was famous for. And to me that’s really freaking awesome. The testudo formation was a formation in which shields were used in the front and on top of all of the soldiers. This formation allowed for an impenetrable defense, which in turn led to a brilliant attack. This formation is only effective if the chemistry between the soldiers is off the charts. This is because one misstep or one slight drop in the shield can result in the entirety of the soldiers being killed. Henceforth, each soldier carries the life of every soldier in their hand. It’s honestly like watching poetry in motion as each soldier steps forward in unison. And then when the enemy throws a boulder on top of the shields, one soldier falls, but is immediately caught by another and brought back to his feet and the formation remains intact. Immediately after the formation turns offensive and people explode out and destroy anything in their path. 

Overall the movie was very interesting, but I do not think I would watch it again.

Rome on the Screen

Rome on the Screen

Gladiator to this day is still one of my favorite movies to watch. It does a really good job of grabbing the viewer’s attention. To top it off, the movie does a really good job of playing off of the culture of ancient Rome. My favorite scene comes when Commodus is talking to Maximus while Maximus is chained around his wrists and ankles. This scene does a really good job of using epics to determine how the characters interact with each other. The fact that the antagonist, Commodus is dressed in all white while the protagonist, Maximus is dressed in all black. It really makes the viewer think about the display of power that each character shows. Another reason why I really enjoy Gladiator is because the fight scenes are done very well. Each scene captures how a true gladiator would fight in an arena. An additional thing that Gladiort did a great job at was displaying the artistic design on the clothes of the upper class. From what we know about ancient Rome, people in the upper class and those connected to the monarchy dressed very elegantly with flashes of color embroidered onto their clothes. The politics during the movie are very interesting because they are almost direct actions that a Roman emperor would have and could have taken. For instance, the choosing of a general instead of kin as heir to the throne is not traditional, but for a Roman emperor, is not that far of a stretch. The only thing that I thought the movie could have done better is have Maximus live. By Maximus dying it does bring good upon Rome, but I still wanted to see what could’ve become of Rome if Maximus lived. 

I watched the movie with Jake Abraham and he thought the movie was really good. We both had watched Gladiator before so it felt appropriate to watch it again. Even after already having seen the movie, Jake was still captivated by how well the actors play the roles of ancient Romans. By the end of the movie, all Jake had to say was “I love that movie.” 
