Author: Carlson

Call Me Gaius Valerius Catullus

Call Me Gaius Valerius Catullus

A collection of Haikus by Zoe Carlson and a touch of Publius Claudius Pulcher

Wish I could rewind

So I could kill cicero

And save Rome from doom

Roman Rev is great

I wish I could take it again

The best class ever

Oh how I will miss

Publius Claudius

Pulcher does it best

If I was roman

I Would be a general

And slay all my foes

Now I cry Sophos

As my senators speak up

Tears stream down my face 

Call me Catuluss

The way I write a Haiku

Could inspire Rome

Mirabile Roman Pancakes

Mirabile Roman Pancakes

By Zoe Carlson

My experience making roman pancakes with my friends was excellent. I will admit, my friends and I are definitely not chefs, so I was surprised how well they turned out even though they were just pancakes. The VCAM was stocked with all of the ingredients except for the yeast. So we went to the store to grab that. I had never seen Roman pancakes, or Tagenitai, before in real life so i didnt really know what to expect. Also, I have never really worked with yeast before so I was intrigued about that. I think the first mistake we made was that we did not mix the batter up nearly enough so there were little clumps of flour left in the mixture. We also were not the best at pouring the batter, but with every pancake, we improved the pancake. As the picture shows. It was crazy to see how much they improved once we finally got the timing down. Ileana and I’s friend, Rebbecca, who is taking your Latin course, taught us some Latin numbers as we were measuring. She also taught us how to say goldfish “Pisces aurei”. That was fun. She had a fun time learning about some of the Roman cultures, and she is looking forward to taking this course in the future. Also, we let some of our other friends, and even some random people that were sitting around the VCAM, try our finished product. After the chefs got to try it of course. Overall, the consensus was that it was extremely bland. It was not bad by any means but it did not have much flavor at all. I think if I ever were to do this again I would try to spice up the recipe by adding some flavors. Maybe some chocolate and syrup. Also, I would add a little less water than the recipe calls for. Because our pancakes were definitely on the runny side and that made it a lot harder to time when to flip them and made them some funky shapes. Overall it was a fun learning experience and I would definitely do it again.

Final results
Our reaction to our creation
  • Dissolve the sugar in 100ml/3 fl oz of water.
  • Add the dried yeast and leave for 15 minutes.
  • Mix the yeast mixture into the flour, add salt to taste and the rest of the water. Stir until you have a smooth batter, then cover with cling film and allow to settle for one hour.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan.
  • Starting from the centre and working outwards, Gradually pour a ladle of batter into the pan
  • Fry until firm enough to turn over. Repeat the turning process to ensure the pancakes are cooked throughout and they are golden brown.
  • Continue until all the batter has been used.
  • Serve.


  • 200 g/7 oz wholemeal flour
  • ½ litre/i pint warm water
  • ½ t. dried yeast
  • 1 t. sugar
  • 1 t. salt
  • Olive oil for frying
Our friends trying it
Rome on the Screen

Rome on the Screen

By Zoe Carlson

 I watched HBO’s Rome. Episodes one through three. The first episode gives the viewers context of the existing beef between Gaius Julius Ceaser and Pompey. Pompey is shown complaining to Cato about Ceaser, saying things along the lines of that he has the love and support of the plebians. The episode also depicts Caesar defeating the Guals. It was interesting to me how the friendship between Pompey and Ceaser was incredibly superficial. Another interesting thing about this episode was when Brutus visited caesar he was incredibly nice to him saying that he  has his full support, but when he went back to Rome, he made up that Ceaser is demoralized and that the plebs that support him are thinking of mutiny. I did not enjoy watching the ox being crucified and all of its blood pouring down on Ceasers nephew as a sacrifice to the gods.  Also in the first episode, Guais Octavian was captured and later saved by Pullo and the redheaded soldier whose name escapes me at the moment. In episode two, Ceaser officially declares that he will make Pompey his enemy. Because Pompey went to the senate to attempt to end Ceaser’s term due to the fact that Caesar took Pompey’s most prized possession away: the love of the people. I did not enjoy the scene in which Pullo was in surgery, the close-up shots of his bare scalp did not please my stomach. Also, it was surprising to me that he healed so quickly and was ready to fight the next day. In episode three the war was officially waged. According to this show, it was because Pullo started a fight in a bar and later saw that man while marching to the senate, and the man attacked him, even though Pompey specifically ordered that no blood should be shed in order to prevent a war. Overall I thought the show was very interesting and funny.  I loved seeing what I learned in class come to life.

“Singing the Romans”

“Singing the Romans”

Ave Maria Reimagined

My Lyrics:

Hannibal the Animal

He almost took down Rome himself 

When his father died he came to power 

He planned for years to defeat the Romans 

His calvary defeated Scipio’s forces

Near the Ticumus river 

He acquired another victory at Trebia 

At this point the Romans were scared

They withdrew their forces from central Italy

In order to protect northern Italy

Hannibal the animal 

Hannibal the animal 

Hannibal the animal, Carthage loved him

His troops loved and supported him

He was so successful because his troops never betrayed him in the span of 15 years

He used war elephants in his battles

He wasn’t defeated until the battle of Zama

Led by Scipio Africanus the leader

Defeated him in the second battle of the punic war 

Hannibal the Animal

Original Lyrics:

Ave Maria, Gratia plena
Maria, Gratia plena
Maria, Gratia plena
Ave, Ave Dominus
Dominus tecum
Benedicta tu in mulieribus
Et benedictu
Et benedictus fructus ventris, ventris tuae Jesus

Ave Maria

Ave Maria, mater Dei
Ora pro nobis peccatoribus
Ora, ora pro nobis
Ora, ora pro nobis peccatoribus
Nunc, et in hora mortis
In hora mortis nostrae
In hora mortis, mortis nostrae
In hora mortis nostrae

Ave Maria
