

Decrees of the Senate — as well as public funds, legionary standards, public laws, and other records of importance — were archived in the “Treasury of the Roman People”  (Aerarium populi Romani) in the Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum.

  • It is the advice of the Senate that there be no amnesty for senators who were expelled through the process of a fair trial nor to those who were found guilty of treason nor murder; but amnesty should be granted to the sons of expelled senators, regardless of the crimes of their fathers, and also those senators convicted by the Lex Calpurina Acilia if they did not receive a fair trial.
  • Lex Cornelia Agaria: Any land that is redistributed must be arable.
  • Lex Sergia Agaria: Allocation of land conquered within the last five years to the People. Latifundia would be broken up, and divided among non-slave workers, each according to their merit, experience, and qualifications, as decided and judged by the Roman judicial system.