

Acta are opportunities to connect  your learning in the class with the wider world. Acta may be serious or fun; but they are a chance for you to produce something in a form and on a subject that is meaningful to you.  A list of options to fire your imagination is provided below, but you may also pitch your own ideas for your Acta.

Those acta marked with * are *socialia* and can (or must) be completed with a partner (although this need not be a partner from the class).

You can repeat any one Actum twice.

Full specifications for these Acta are available here.

  1. Ars (Scripta) Gratia Artiswrite a Rome-inspired poem or short story.
  2. Ars (Picta) Gratia Artiscreate a visual or material work of art inspired by Rome
  3. Time Travel Author Talk: conduct an interview with a famous (or obscure) Roman*
  4. Podcastium: record a short (less than 10 minute) audio podcast on a compelling aspect of Roman culture *
  5. Tutorial: record a short video explicating a compelling aspect of Roman culture *
  6. Selfie & Object Analysis: record yourself with an object and describe it
  7. Orator-Poet: memorize and recite a short poem or passage
  8. Scaenica fabula: write and perform a skit enacting a key moment in Roman History or literature*
  9. Romanize a Song: take a favorite contemporary song and romanize it
  10. Doctior et meliore doctrina imbuta/us+: attend a classics lecture or attend a Classically-relevant performance and post a brief reflection*
  11. Essay: complete an essay of a specific length on a question of your choosing
  12. Actum cinemagraphicum: Watch and reflect on a Roman-themed Film or TV SHOW
  13. Actum Personale: complete a worthy actum of your own design *

+ Did you know the Haverford motto? You do now! It appears on 7 buildings and objects around campus–and of course the official seal, diplomas, etc. The Bryn Mawr motto is also in Latin (Veritatem dilexi). 

If you need to post your ACTUM…

A) log-in at: . You should have received an email inviting you to register for the site.

 WordPress Log-in


B) Select “Posts” in the left menu’ then “Add New”

C) Add your ACTUM into the text field, add a catchy but descriptive title. You should be able to upload media as well.

