Gladiator (2000)

Gladiator (2000)

Gladiator is the story of Maximus, a Roman general turned gladiator. The film begins with Maximus having led the Romans to victory. After returning home, the emperor informs Maximus that he feels his own son, Commodus, is unfit to rule, and he would like Maximus to succeed him in his place. Commodus, in reaction to this news, kills his father and seizes power. After refusing to follow the new emperor, Maximus is arrested and his family is killed. Maximus fights his way to freedom only to be taken by slavers and sold to a gladiator trainer. Maximus excels in his matches and starts to gain popularity. Through the advice of his trainer, Maximus attempts to win his freedom through combat.

During a series of games held by Commodus to honor his father’s passing, Maximus disguises himself and leads his side to victory. After winning, Maximus is forced to reveal his identity. Upon revealing his identity, Maximus declares that he will have vengeance on Commodus. Maximus’ life is only spared through the persuasion of the crowd. Maximus continues to win battles, even gaining the title “Maximus the Merciful” for the clementia he demonstrated in sparing an opponents’ life. 

Maximus attempts to use the power of his old legions to overthrow Commodus. These plans fall short, however, once Commodus discovers this plot against him. Maximus is captured once more and Cicero, with whom he was plotting, is killed. 

In a last attempt to win back the favor of the people, Commodus duels with Maximus in the Colosseum. Despite his usage of unfair tactics, Commodus is still overpowered by Maximus and ultimately killed. However, in the end Maximus also dies succumbing to the wounds inflicted upon him. He makes a number of dying requests for changes within Roman politics, and to free the other gladiators.

This movie was very entertaining, albeit maybe not very historically accurate. From the outside research I did, it seems that Gladiator was loosely based on actual historical events but it certainly took some liberties. That being said, it also seems that Ridley Scott took care to make sure that Roman culture was represented with historical accuracy. So while the plot might not be entirely true to history, there is an impressive dedication to showing how Roman culture actually looked. I think that the movie definitely does a good job of showing the audience just how cruel Rome in its traditions and politics could really be.

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