A Fraternal Lamentation

A Fraternal Lamentation

Oh Hybrida, my former brother

I would have done anything for you

If you killed your father, I would have jumped into the sack for you

Into the cold river, I would have let the dog tear out my achilles

The serpent my eyes, the monkey my face

If it were a crime unspeakable, I would have taken the fish and radish in your stead

If the tyrannical vulture came for you, I would have let it eat out my heart before it touched you

Us, we were partners, friends, brothers

But, as if Cicero had is own special Fascinum

He took hold of you, corrupted you, stole you from me

With his dark magic, he convinced you to betray me

Taken from me, who served with you as consul

Betray ME, who gave you his own law from his back

What god have I wronged, what ritual neglected, which rite ignored?

Like Lucretia, I lament for the loss of purity, our purity

I never thought you would let Cicero be our Sextus

Why must I anguish so? The stoics,

They say to revel in every challenge, to thank god for every obstacle,

To not be consumed by the actions of others, for they are ignorant of right and wrong

But, you, you know right from wrong

You are not a stranger, you were my brother

But now, you are gone, I cannot recognize your face

Our eyes, you refuse to let them meet 

The words leaving your mouth sound foreign and strange (except when you stole my law that was pretty familiar).

Your hands move in ways I’ve never seen before

You have left me, and with you, have taken my heart and soul

A thief is what you are

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