Rome on the Screen

Rome on the Screen

By Zoe Carlson

 I watched HBO’s Rome. Episodes one through three. The first episode gives the viewers context of the existing beef between Gaius Julius Ceaser and Pompey. Pompey is shown complaining to Cato about Ceaser, saying things along the lines of that he has the love and support of the plebians. The episode also depicts Caesar defeating the Guals. It was interesting to me how the friendship between Pompey and Ceaser was incredibly superficial. Another interesting thing about this episode was when Brutus visited caesar he was incredibly nice to him saying that he  has his full support, but when he went back to Rome, he made up that Ceaser is demoralized and that the plebs that support him are thinking of mutiny. I did not enjoy watching the ox being crucified and all of its blood pouring down on Ceasers nephew as a sacrifice to the gods.  Also in the first episode, Guais Octavian was captured and later saved by Pullo and the redheaded soldier whose name escapes me at the moment. In episode two, Ceaser officially declares that he will make Pompey his enemy. Because Pompey went to the senate to attempt to end Ceaser’s term due to the fact that Caesar took Pompey’s most prized possession away: the love of the people. I did not enjoy the scene in which Pullo was in surgery, the close-up shots of his bare scalp did not please my stomach. Also, it was surprising to me that he healed so quickly and was ready to fight the next day. In episode three the war was officially waged. According to this show, it was because Pullo started a fight in a bar and later saw that man while marching to the senate, and the man attacked him, even though Pompey specifically ordered that no blood should be shed in order to prevent a war. Overall I thought the show was very interesting and funny.  I loved seeing what I learned in class come to life.

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