Cati-Lines: Another Roman Diss Track

Cati-Lines: Another Roman Diss Track

Lucius Sergius Catalina
You dance around pretty
Like a ballerina

But you should be condemned
Let me issue your subpoena
Cuz while you’re cute on the stage
You kill to win in the arena

You have none
Yeah right son

What is your virtue?
Making the republic sterile like a nun

When I procreate
I procure
Praetors Quaestors and Consuls
While your progeny
Should get proscribed
And get cut out like they’re tonsils

I’m like the coin man
I make change
Call me a catalyst
And I make a high rate
Off my hate
Irate like I’m Catullus

I can’t quit, Catiline
I can’t copy your antics
You’re just obsessed with power
And you chase it so frantic

You act so pure
You act so pedantic
But you’re stirring up a scandal
To make the people panic

Yeah you scandal-plagued tyrant
You’re like Odysseus’ sirens
Cuz you speak well and have charm
But alarms should sound as you cross the horizon

You want to reach the high rung
Become consul and get that power
But you supported Sulla’s terror
So it’s you who should cower

Your heart has poor taste
Your virtus is so sour
You claim to be for the people
Yet their dignitas you devour

You’re an elephant in the room
You’re the greatest showman
You’re a danger to us all
You’re an ugly omen

You pretender for the people
You Populares
You’re a hoe and a heathen
Yeah you’re truly a hostis

You slept with a Vestal Virgin
And you thrive on your corruption
You abuse your power and murder family
But claim to be the people’s champion?

Thumbs down
Cut you up
Put you in a sack to drown
With snake, monkey, chicken, and pup

I hate you and all you stand for
I think you are scum
I think your bloodline should be ended
We should cut off your cum

Romans lend me your ears
I need your attention
Catiline tries to attain force
But we need his force’s attenuation

And it needs to come quick
Before the light of the Republic is undone
We need to stop this bum
Before his moon eclipses our sun

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