Rome on the Screen – Gladiator

Rome on the Screen – Gladiator

The very first scene is quite serene, with Maximus walking through a field touching the blades of wheat before approaching the ranks of men he is about to lead to victory. The fighting scene against the Germanic barbarians is full of fire and bloodshed. At one point, Maximus is knocked off his horse, forced to fight off two barbarians while on his back. He stands to fight off more men and eventually shout “Roma Victor!”, ending a war and earning the approval of Emperor Marcus Aurelius Marcus is soon to die and about to name his successor, the title of which Marcus’ son Commodus is sure he will get. Commodus appoints Maximus as his successor, understanding that he is morally correct and will restore the Roman Republic by shifting the power back to the senate. Maximus tries to decline the title, wanting to return back to his wife and son, but Marcus says that him not wanting the title makes him even more fit for the job. Commodus, after hearing this news, has a long heart to heart with his father and eventually kills him. Commodus declares himself emperor, asks for Maximus’ loyalty, yet Maximus declines because he knows Commodus was involved in killing Marcus. Commodus then orders Maximus to be executed and sends guards to kill his wife and son. He escapes his execution but returns home to find his villa burned, along with the charred corpses of his wife and son. He buries their bodies and collapses in exhaustion atop their graves. He’s found there by slave traders who take him to Africa where he is purchased by a head of a gladiator school, Proximo. Maximus’ reputation as a fighter grows there and he becomes popular with those watching him fight. Meanwhile, Commodus reopens the gladiatorial games, of which Proximo’s fighters are invited to compete in. In a recreation of a historic battle, Maximus leads Proximo’s fighter to victory, after which Commodus comes down to meet the victors and is surprised to find Maximus. Also, Maximus’ old servant tells him that the army still lies loyal to him. Maximus goes on to win many fights, winning the admiration of the public. Commodus decides that legends are born in the colosseum and personally challenges Maximus to a duel. Knowing Maximus would win, Commodus stabs Maximus in the lungs with a knife, and has the wound covered with armor. Despite this, Maximus bests Commodus, Commodus asks his guards for a sword and they refuse, and Maximus kills him. Maximus is also dying, yet before he dies he orders the release of Proximo’s gladiators, and instructs a senator to to return power to the senate. Maximus dies and returns to his wife and son in the afterlife. I really enjoyed this movie! I thought that though it was intense, it made Roman history very engaging and easy to understand. I was fully enthralled by it the entire time. I highly recommend! It was action packed and educational. 

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